I <3 NYC: The Unofficial Guide of Traveling From Princeton to NYC and Back!

February 29, 2024
Thomas Danz

Of course Princeton is one of the best places to be, but sometimes you just need a break from the hustle and bustle of the Orange Bubble. My favorite thing to do in this situation is take a trip to New York City. 

Princeton is located roughly halfway between two major cities – Philadelphia and New York. Each city is about a 60-90 minutes away via New Jersey Transit (NJT), helped in part by the ever famous (at least at Princeton) Dinky! The journey to NYC is really easy: go to Wawa and board the Dinky, arrive at Princeton Junction 5 minutes later, cross under the train tracks via a not-so-spooky tunnel, wait a few minutes for the train, hop on and sit for ~1 hr until you arrive in NYC, deboard and head up to the street! Pro tip: the NJT app is very helpful in planning your trip, buying digital tickets, and seeing train schedules. 

Once you are on the streets of NYC, it can be very overwhelming. The smell, the noise, the buildings, and above all, the abundance of people. But this is what I like, especially since my hometown Venice, FL, is not a major city. The experience of your first time in NYC-- and even each time after that--is something special. With a city so large, every visit is unique. 

Of the times that I have been, my favorite memories have been made with my close friends. I’ve been fortunate enough to have met two NYC locals at Princeton who have served as compulsory tour guides on several occasions. This fortune has also led to eating some great food in the city, but to be honest it is hard to go wrong. Walking around Central Park is super fun, especially when the weather is just right. A wintertime must is visiting the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, but be warned, you will see dense crowds of people. The list goes on and on, with the city boasting endless opportunities. 

Now, perhaps the most challenging part of the journey is getting back to the best old place of all! Once you make it back to Penn Station (where you got off the train), you will be met with a growing crowd of people waiting for the boarding announcement of the southbound train to Trenton, NJ. As soon as the boarding platform is announced, a shoving match ensues between the crowd who are all trying to make their way down. I recommend waiting around the middle of the hall that contains the platform numbers so that you are in the best position to make a move. Once you are on the train, repeat the steps from earlier, but in reverse order. And voilà, you made it back! 

Overall, taking a day trip to NYC is a great way to escape the pressures of school. I’ve enjoyed all the times that I have been and it's always a nice treat to explore the city. I fully recommend doing the same when you have a slight reprieve from school work!